Aligning with Labour’s Vision for Personal Development and Sport in Education

The UK’s newly appointed Labour government is launching a vibrant and inspiring educational agenda with a strong emphasis on personal development and sport. Their manifesto highlights the importance of helping every child find their voice – a vision wholeheartedly shared by We Are Forging Futures: a collaborative initiative by British Fencing.

Below are some of the key themes that we feel We Are Forging Futures and our delivery network have the potential to make a significant impact and work with more schools to implement our educationally aligned active learning programmes.

Supporting Children’s Development:

Labour’s commitment to personal development is evident in its goal to ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive. Their focus on subjects like music, art, sport, and drama aims to build confidence and foster essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. This broad educational approach nurtures well-rounded individuals ready to tackle future challenges.

The Role of Partners in Achieving This Vision:

We Are Forging Futures is proud to be part of this transformative journey alongside like-minded partners, including PGL Travel Ltd., Kingswood, over 40 schools, and numerous commercial activity delivery providers. Together, we can significantly contribute to realising the government’s educational ambitions. By integrating sports and creative activities into the curriculum, we help children find their passions and develop crucial life skills.

Sport and Physical Education:

Labour aims to get more children active by protecting time for physical education and supporting grassroots clubs in expanding access to sport. Children will be encouraged to study creative or vocational subjects until they are 16, with accountability measures reflecting this ambition. This emphasis on physical education aligns perfectly with the goals of British Fencing and the We Are Forging Futures brand, where sport is a key medium for personal growth.

Innovative Approaches to Education:

An exciting opportunity arises from Labour’s manifesto which states:

“With falling school rolls across many parts of the country, now is the time for fresh and imaginative thinking about how we integrate early years education and childcare with the wider school experience our children have and how we set them all up for the best start to life”. This call for innovative thinking resonates with our mission to use creative and engaging methods to enhance children’s educational experiences.

Read more here: Breaking Down the Barriers to Opportunity

Ensuring Accessibility:

Labour plans to fund free breakfast clubs in every primary school, ensuring all children have access to a nutritious start to their day. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to make education more inclusive and supportive of every child’s needs. Ensuring that every child has the opportunity to participate in creative and sporting activities is central to building a fairer society. We are thrilled to support this with our Explore Fencing App, which offers free resources, and no training is required. A PDF guide can be sent on for free upon request to support a broad breakfast club offering.

Expert-led Review for a Broad and Inclusive Curriculum:

Labour promises an expert-led review of the curriculum and assessment to develop a rich, broad, inclusive, and innovative educational framework. This review aims to fully capture young people’s knowledge and abilities, ensuring that the education system evolves to meet contemporary needs. We Are Forging Futures is committed to contributing to this vision by providing programmes that enrich the curriculum and help children explore and reach their full potential.

As we move forward, We Are Forging Futures remains dedicated to working with our partners to create educational environments where every child can experience success, unlock potential, and transform the way they view themselves, inside and outside of the classroom. Let’s continue to nurture the future generation through the power of inclusive and fun fencing swordplay.

If you are not already aware of We Are Forging Futures but would like to learn more, please email: [email protected] 

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